Friday, August 27, 2010

The letter Alef

The letter Alef("א") is traditionally connected to the planet Uranus(Uranus starts with the letter Alef in Hebrew).
The shape of this letter reminds a ladder where you climb & grow when Uranus also deals with growth(because of Uranus that controls the sigh Aquarius,the current age,we're aware of self-growth).
The letter Alef is also connected to wisdom(in the bible there is a sentance with a meaning:"I'll make you champion in wisdow"-"Ve'ealfecha chochma-ואאלפך חכמה"-where the letter Alef is dominant) & so is Uranus that represents the principles of the universe that help it to know everything because of its systematic vision.
The letter Alef is also connected to power(that connected to championship,where the letter Alef is dominant as mentioned above) when Uranus is known as a powerful planets that shocks & shakes in order to let the authenticity grow.
I think that this letter contains more than that because this letter is connected to God itself(the word "God" is:"אלוהים"-"Elohim" & it's the first word that starts with the letter Alef).
The letter Alef is connected to unity(unity in hebrew is:"achdut-אחדות" & it starts with the letter Alef) appearantly because of it's connection to God that mentioned above & unity is one of Neptune's principles.
The letter Alef is also connected to the infinity(infinity in hebrew is:"einsof-אינסוף" that starts with the letter Alef) because of its same connection to God & infinity is the essence of Pluto that contains everything.
The letter Alef is the first letter so it's connected to the beginning & the beginning is connected also to Pluto that goes deeply down to it.
The letter Alef is also connected to the end that symbolizes a new beginning because the letter Alef is connected to the number 1000(the number 1000 is "elef" & is written in Hebrew exactly as the letter itself is written. The value of the last suffix letter is 900 & in hebrew the group of the suffix letter is the last group where every consistent letter has it's value raised by 100) & the end that symbolizes a new beginning(regeneration) is  one of Pluto's famous principles.


  1. Hi Benny

    I didn't know that about Alef. Very interesting! I especially like the idea of a letter to link Uranus with beginnings, wisdom, unity and Elohim.

  2. Hey Benny! Great post. I love the planets and stars and how so much can be read from their positions and placements. It's just so amazing. :)

    Now that you've looked into the connections, maybe you could see if you could figure out what these connections represent or symbolize.
    Hope to see more!

  3. Wow, nice post!! Very interesting. Thanks! Peace ~ Sasa
