The fifth day of the feast is known as the day that Aharon visits our booth.
Aharon represents the essence of Mercury that includes communication,thinking,rationalism & movement.
Indeed, Aharon helped his brother Moshe (that described himself as a heavy talker) to communicate with the Jewish nation.
Aharon also took a rational attitude when he prefer the people to be sinners than rebellious in the case of the golden calf.
In this day we deeply observe our communication.
Do we talk a lot or a little?
Did we have a chance for communication that we missed?Where?When?Why?
Do we talk from the heart or our talking is artificial?
Whatever the answers are we promise ourselves to improve it (while flowing with life about the first question).
We do the same with our thinking.
We try to find a delaying patterns of thinking deriving from low self esteem,fears,etc'.
We promise ourselves to work on it & to turn it into a constructive pattern of life.
It's very important to change a delaying pattern with a constructive pattern as soon as possible in order to prevent the delaying pattern from clinging on you(in this case it has no home to return to).
An example of that can be saying:" I can do this,if not in this way then in other way & in the worst case it won't be perfect,so what?" instead of saying:"I can't do it, it's beyond my ability".
We check where we stand in our way of thinking.
Are we spontaneous or calculated most of the time?conservative or advanced?etc'.
We check the incidents which occurred in our lives (the more the better) to see how the way of our thinking affected it.
Was it after all a delaying pattern of life that failed us?
Did we have to be more spontaneous in order to succeed (we relatively failed for being over-calculated) or the opposite is true?
We ask the same about other extremes such as conservative/advanced thinking (again the more the better).
We promise ourselves to work on it, change where it's needed & of course continue doing so through the changing life.
This day also gives us a chance to work on the negative side of Mercury such as gossip & being two-faced.
As Mercury in connected to movement, it gives us a chance to realize how much do we listen to our body.
Do we walk well?
Do we change positions (from standing to walking & the opposite, from standing to sitting & the opposite, etc') well?
Yes, it's a lot of work but the more you invest in this work, the more healthy & growing you're going to be.
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