The letter Dalet ("ד") is the forth letter of the Hebrew Alpha-bet & is traditionally connected to Mars.
The connection to Mars is expressed by the inner work this letter demands (especially from someone having it in the beginning of his name) in order to reach the self growth.
Learning this letter deeply will discover the poor side of it (when Lamed is traditionally the letter of learning, the word reached by this combination is dal ("דל") which means poor).
But when the poor guy does the inner work & develops the qualities of Mars (initiation,courage,action,will,etc') to help him with it, he opens himself a door(door in Hebrew is "delet" which is written in Hebrew with the same letters of the letter itself ("דלת"), more than that, this letter traditionally looks like an open door.).
The last letter of this word (represents the letter itself & the door) is Tav ("ת") which is the last letter of the Hebrew Alpha-bet & hence symbolizes a movement (traditionally this letter's shape also shows a movement by the little base line heading left which goes out of the left vertical line of this letter) to another dimension.
Indeed, the open door ("דלת") symbolizes a movement to another dimension for the poor("דל").
This movement is actualized by the essence of Mars (will, initiation, courage, counting on myself, etc') & as shown above, it's the connection between the planet & the letter.
The first word in the bible to start with this letter is Deshe ("דשא"), which means grass.
The traditional connection of the grass's essence to this letter's is that the grass needs water in order to grow as this letter needs Mars's essence (mentioned above in order to grow & become the open door.
Without water, the grass will wilt as this letter will by having its other essence, the essence of the poor.
I think there is more than that because the grass in mentioned next to the herb breeding itself by its seeds.
The grass is known by having higher quality than the herb (for being treated by human, etc') while the herb is known by having higher quantity than the grass (for being in nature having the chance to breed vastly).
The lesson here is not to be satisfied having the essence of Mars to shoot to every direction.
You have got to analyze deeply every direction of action in order to choose the best, having the highest quality.
The fact that the upper line goes right beyond the vertical one means that this letter's essence must aspire to the essence of the letter placed right to it.
This means that the essence of Mars which connects the low ("poor") side of this letter to the high ("open door") side of this letter & has an egoistic character, must aspire to the essence of Jupiter (also Neptune because of the watery side of Jupiter) which is represented by the letter Gimel (which is the letter before the letter Dalet), an essence which tends to be altruistic.
Indeed, this letter represents (according to the Kaballah) the essence of the egoism which is a poor essence starting with Mars which rules Aries, the first sign to start the process of changing the egoistic essence into the altruistic one(the real open door) gradually.
The self growth according to this letter will occur by actualizing the essence of Mars of drive, will, initiation not in an impulsive way but in a calculated (not too much of course, it's a challenge itself to know the right level of calculation in any point of this changing life) way of selecting the best possibilities which will be good to all (not just for me).
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