The letter Gimel ("ג") is the third letter of the Hebrew alpha-bet & traditionally is connected to Jupiter.
In the Bible, the first word to start with this letter is the word "gdolim" ("גדלים") which means big ones.
The fact that Jupiter is the biggest planet connect it to the letter.
The shape of this letter is traditionally described as a walking man who wants to give & this is exactly Jupiter's journeys & generosity.
Jupiter's watery side (which ruled Pisces before Neptune's discovery) & the second letter of the letter's word itself ("מ",Gimel is written "גמל") which is connected to Neptune give this letter its Neptune's side of philanthropy.
Indeed, learning the essence of this letter leads to the word Gal ("גל",Lamed "ל" is traditionally the letter of learning) which means "wave".
The wave is known as being abundant (Jupiter's essence) with water (Neptune's essence besides spirituality).
It's known that the Philanthropy (Neptune's essence or the watery essence of Jupiter which merge with it) leads to the highest point of life as expressing the power of giving which rules the universe.
This letter is also connected to heights.
The wave itself (which starts with this letter in Hebrew) represents the highest point the sea water can reach.
Also there as words in Hebrew which starts with this letter like gag ("גג") which means roof & gova ("גובה") which means height.
According to the Kaballah, as being connected to Neptune's (or watery Jupiter's) philanthropy, this letter represents the initial will (of the human being) to be like God & to give instead of accept/take (when the first letter Alef represents God who gives & the second letter Bet represents all creatures created by God (including the human being of course) who accept what God gives).
The challenge here (for someone having this letter in his name, especially as the first letter because according to Numerology, the first letter of the name is like house no.1 in astrology) is to utilize properly this power of giving.
Before giving it's very recommended to check if the person you want to give to is really deserves that & if so, how much.
It's also recommended to check it constantly through life even about the same person becuase he probably changes as life.
These challenges are the key for the person's self growth.
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